목록구문독해 (5)
Oracle 신용주 영어
39. It is not always easy to eat well when you have a newborn baby. 40. It is very important for medical centers to fight this growing health-security issue. 41. It wasn’t easy finding herself apart from her family at Christmas and missing the festivities of her son’s wedding. 42. It was obvious that my son’s teammate needed help. 43. It doesn’t matter what the circumstances are. 44. It’s easy t..
34. In reality, the people who are most different from us probably have the most to teach us. 35. A brain that is fully fueled concentrates better and solves problems faster. 36. Some older people whose brain function is fine at home can become confused when hospitalized where artificial light is always on. 37. The stress that a student feels causes his or her body to release a chemical called T..
26. Natural boundaries between states or countries are found along rivers, lakes, deserts, and mountain ranges. 27. The simplest way to define the role of the media agency is to take an analogy from fishing. 28. A sandwich in the cafeteria isn’t exactly the same thing as a hot meal at home. 29. Her attempts to convince him to allow her to cross the border went from talking to pleading to crying...